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STEAMPUNK SALOON: Hell Fire and High Tea | Ninja Skillz

STEAMPUNK SALOON: Hell Fire and High Tea

Jul 21 2012 10:00 pm
Jul 22 2012 12:00 pm

Hellfire & High Tea
Presented by

Zorthian Ranch . Altadena
July 21st, 1880


with Yona Fy & Jeremy Weinglass

Side Show & Burlesque

10pm Jokton (Pocket Underground)
11pm Shakti Bliss (Cruz Coalition)
12am DJ Wolfie (Steampunk Saloon)
1am Hobotech

Performance Art
with Hat Madder


Grotto Stage
10pm Beau Damion (Xpel Muzik)
11pm Mike Insane (Ninja Skillz)
12am Jacques The Ripper
1am Loomer (Cruz Coalition)
2am eEvil (Steampunk Saloon)
3am Mark Zabala (Ninja Skillz)
4am Diggs (Steampunk Saloon)
5am Janneke (Steampunk Saloon)
6am Fingers (Steampunk Saloon)


Sunday Pool Party
with Steve Humphreys, DJ Wolfie & Diggs
(Steampunk Saloon)


Award Winning Home Brew Bar
by Nomad Von Elixir

Absinthe Bar
by Hat Madder

Steampunk Vendors

Photography By
Violet Schrage
Curious Josh



Presale Link: http://beticketing.com/steampunksaloon
Tier one tickets $20 (sold out!)
Tier two tickets $30 (STILL AVAILABLE)

Tent Space: $20 (30 available)
We have room for 40 people to pitch a tent. Arrive between 2pm and 7pm for drive up access for camping passes. after 7pm, we will lend you a wagon for walking gear up. Its a steep hill, so best for campers to show up before 7pm!

Nestled in the Forrest Hill top of Alta Dena
(20 min from downtown Los Angeles)
4pm saturday, to 12pm sunday

May we suggest proper footwear- you will be walking up a hill to reach our landing site, and the terrain is pebble strewn dirt, cobble stone steps and lowly lit- and bathing attire for the Sunday morning pool party.

For more information:


Zorthian Ranch . Altadena

0 July 16, 2012

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