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NINJA TEK @ Los Angeles Decompression | Ninja Skillz

NINJA TEK @ Los Angeles Decompression

Oct 2 2010 12:00 pm


Do those dusty dreams seem a distant memory? The big city bringing you down? No fear, Decompression is upon us! And Ninja Skillz, Bacon Without Borders and Transmorphagon have teamed together to create a stage combining our favorite things - BACON, NINJAS and EPIC SOUND!

Find us at the North end of the event, next to the bar (bacon, booze and beats!). Also look for Lee Cowen's awesome Black Rock Hexagon Theater. You may remember it from BWB 2009. We are looking forward to playing with you downtown. Get ready for some legendary shenanigans!

1-3 DJ Tronic Classic Rock Epic Throw Down
3-4 Robato
4-5 Agent V
5-6 Jokton
6-7 Travis Crandall
7-8 Pumpkin
8-9 Erik Nelson vs Marcus Edward
9-10 Hooni vs Hyjynx
10-11 divaDanielle vs Mike Insane feat Sassyfras DeVille
11-12 darkMatter vs Mark Zabala

All info including parking, ticket info and pets can be found at laburningman.com


0 September 28, 2010

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