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The Heart & SOL Boat Party ft. Saynt and Marcus Edward! | Ninja Skillz

The Heart & SOL Boat Party ft. Saynt and Marcus Edward!

Aug 14 2011 3:00 pm
Aug 14 2011 8:00 pm


a sunset boat party: celebrating life, friends and the essence of summer

Mikey Velazquez (Hawt)
Marcus Edward (Ninja Skillz)
Eddie B (Hawt,JEL-O)
Saynt (Ninja Skillz, SF)
Dougal (F.A.M.I.L.Y.,Secret Cinema)
Funguy (Hush Crew)
Erik Nelson (Sapient Mongrel,Stampy Sound)
Juicy Dubble (Scotty James vs. jlife - Hush Crew)
Sumbry (Sapient Mongrel,WaxDJ)
Jaymystic (Hush Crew,Hustle)

Two floors of music, 11 DJs, 2 stocked bars, a sun deck & more! If you get hungry, we'll even have a taco/hotdog stand!

There is limited capacity on the boat and are a limited amount of tickets are available, so buy now and ensure you don't miss the boat...literally! Once those are gone, you're S.O.L. so BUY NOW!

***Presale tickets are $25 until 7/31 and will be $30 after. No tickets will be sold at the door.***

Buy tickets at: http://beticketing.com/boa​tparty

Sunday, August 14th
Long Beach Harbor
200 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, California 90802


0 July 19, 2011

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