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FLUX w/ Hedflux, Zabala, Todd Spero and 11 More!

Sep 24 2011 9:00 pm
Sep 25 2011 4:00 am

Tech-Funk + Breaks + Electro + Techno + PsyBreaks

Flux is a state of continual change, a fluid flow from one state to another. In that moment of transition, no longer what we were and not yet what we are becoming, possibilities are limitless.

In flux or out of it, we welcome you to join us for a night of music, dance, performance, and community.

DJ LINEUP (bios and links at the end)

HEDFLUX (Broken Robot Recordings / London, UK)

Hedflux and his pioneering psychedelic tech-funk sound delivers distinctive tough beats, molten basslines and an evolving stratum of resonant synth sorcery.

Idiot Savant ( Pocket Underground / The Do Lab - Woogie / LA )
Red Alien - Red Sonya ( Native Alien, Pocket, Lady Lush / LA ) vs. Alien Tom ( Native Alien, Stanton DJ LA )
divaDanielle ( Shade / LA ) vs 6ix Seven ( The Good Vibe / LA )
Mark Zabala vs. Sendai ( NinjaSkillz / LA )
darkMatter ( LA )
Skandar ( 8:39 Productions / San Diego )
Miss Genesis ( Simplify Recordings/ Blue Insomniac / LA )
Azmyth ( Electrifying Events / LA )
Todd Spero ( NinjaSkillz / LA )
Will Levine ( Cruz Coalition / LA )

Circus Arts by Fire n Ice Entertainment

██ INFO ██▓▓▒▒░░

Located at Circus
6655 Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90038

$20 at the door
$15 Presales

Get Your Presales Here ->

21+ ◆ 9:00pm - 4am
Carpooling HIGHLY Suggested.


██ LINEUP (with links to bios and dj sets!) ██▓▓▒▒░░

█ HEDFLUX (Broken Robot Recordings / UK)

█ Idiot Savant ( Pocket Underground / The Do Lab - Woogie / LA )

█ Red Alien - Red Sonya ( Native Alien, Pocket, Lady Lush / LA ) vs. Alien Tom ( Native Alien, Stanton DJ / LA )

█ divaDanielle ( Shade / LA ) vs 6ix Seven ( The Good Vibe / LA )

█ Mark Zabala vs. Sendai ( NinjaSkillz / LA )

█ darkMatter ( LA )

█ Skandar ( 8:39 Productions / San Diego )

█ Miss Genesis ( Simplify Recordings/ Blue Insomniac / LA )

█ Azmyth ( Electrifying Events / LA )

█ Todd Spero ( NinjaSkillz / LA )

█ Will Levine ( Cruz Coalition / LA )

█ Circus Arts by Fire n Ice Entertainment
Fire n Ice Entertainment delivers sexy, fashionable, sensational circus arts to leading venues and clients around the world.


Harnessing the rational to illuminate the transcendental, Steve Young aka Hedflux is synthesizing a gleaming new event-horizon of controlled, pulsating energy across dancefloors worldwide. Unifying chunky tech-funk with refined psychedelia, the result is a stylistic hybrid that whips together laser precision engineering, liquid tight grooves and a visceral, rampaging energy.

His seminal 2010 track Mindcell found a strong resonance in the collective, spending 10 weeks at the top of the Beatport breaks chart, becoming the 3rd top selling breaks track of the year and scooping the coveted “Best Track” award at the 2011 Breakspoll International Breakbeat Awards. Exemplifying the Hedflux sound, Mindcell delivers distinctive tough beats, molten basslines and an evolving stratum of resonant synth sorcery.

Starting as a DJ back in 1992, Steve developed his musical passion as a hobby while pursuing an academic interest in physics and mathematics. This pursuit of truth led to him obtaining a PhD in quantum physics in 2004, but left him with many unanswered questions, and an unraveling faith in the traditional scientific worldview. Five subsequent years of unsatisfying employment inspired him to pour ever more love and energy into his music and spiritual growth, finally summoning the courage to let go of the corporate world and pursue his creative ambitions full-time.

Within the first year of that fateful decision, Hedflux turned out remixes for legendary tech-funk labels Lot49 and U&A, as well as the chart-smashing originals Revolve and Rhythm Prism on Broken Robot Records. Armed with these plus a ground-breaking collection of unreleased exclusives, Steve organised a tour of Australia and New Zealand in January 2011 and played no fewer than 8 successful gigs over a three week period.

Steve returned from Oz to 3 Breakspoll nominations for “Best New Producer”, “Best New DJ” and “Best Track”, with his parent label Broken Robot Records receiving nominations for “Best Label” and “Best New Label.” Winning the Best Track award against competition from the Stanton Warriors, Elite Force and Noisia, Hedflux has become forever associated with some of the most influential artists in the breaks scene. His pioneering psychedelic tech-funk has sparked a flame in a new generation of sublimely talented producers who are now stepping up to elevate the sound to a fresh level of universality.

0 September 19, 2011

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