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« Week of May 27, 2012 »
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The Do LaB is proud to present Lightning in a Bottle happening Memorial Day Weekend, May 24th - 28th 2012, in Silverado, California.

The annual festival features Art, Music, Workshops, Yoga, Performances, Camping and Sustainability. Choose your own adventure!

A Message of Celebration for 2012:

Happy 2012! As we all embark on this exciting (and perhaps historic) new year, we would like to take a moment to share our intentions for the Do LaB community and Lightning in a Bottle festival. Whether prophesied, or simply the true state of affairs, our community, our nation, and our planet face great change at this particular moment in time. We invite you all to embrace this change and continue celebrating life and our incredible human spirit during these tumultuous times. Though our problems seem many, and solutions difficult, we must remember to approach them with grace, love and celebration for in this attitude lies our best way forward.

LIB has always been about discovering and enacting a different way of living. A way that is more in touch with the earth, with each other, and with ourselves. As the pace of change continues to accelerate all around us, and old ways of thinking begin to reach their logical and useful ends, LIB continues to expand its spiritual and educational aspects so that we, as a community, may boldly embrace and lead the way into this new world. The Temple of Consciousness will be bigger than ever this year and will include inspiring new structures for the yoga and meditation area, as well as the beautiful area for speakers and workshops in the heart of the Temple. At the same time, we have a music and performance lineup brewing (scheduled to be released in March) that could be our best yet and is sure to awaken the celebration of dance that we hold so dear.

Start: May 24 2012 12:00 pm
End: May 28 2012 6:00 pm

The Do LaB is proud to present Lightning in a Bottle happening Memorial Day Weekend, May 24th - 28th 2012, in Silverado, California.

The annual festival features Art, Music, Workshops, Yoga, Performances, Camping and Sustainability. Choose your own adventure!

A Message of Celebration for 2012:

Happy 2012! As we all embark on this exciting (and perhaps historic) new year, we would like to take a moment to share our intentions for the Do LaB community and Lightning in a Bottle festival. Whether prophesied, or simply the true state of affairs, our community, our nation, and our planet face great change at this particular moment in time. We invite you all to embrace this change and continue celebrating life and our incredible human spirit during these tumultuous times. Though our problems seem many, and solutions difficult, we must remember to approach them with grace, love and celebration for in this attitude lies our best way forward.

LIB has always been about discovering and enacting a different way of living. A way that is more in touch with the earth, with each other, and with ourselves. As the pace of change continues to accelerate all around us, and old ways of thinking begin to reach their logical and useful ends, LIB continues to expand its spiritual and educational aspects so that we, as a community, may boldly embrace and lead the way into this new world. The Temple of Consciousness will be bigger than ever this year and will include inspiring new structures for the yoga and meditation area, as well as the beautiful area for speakers and workshops in the heart of the Temple. At the same time, we have a music and performance lineup brewing (scheduled to be released in March) that could be our best yet and is sure to awaken the celebration of dance that we hold so dear.

Start: Jun 2 2012 9:00 pm

We're uber lucky this time at The Skinny as we get a special visit from Curtis B, world reknowned breaks producer and DJ, who is coming through this part of the country in June! Curtis B's productions and remixes of breaks, electro and dub beats are really fat and edgey, so we're in for a big night on his first ever LA appearance! Backin' up the juicy headliner we're stackin the line up with delicious local support for the bangin' beats in the back room, and hosting a sweet triple threat of deep, funky house in the front. In honor of the hot summer nights upon us, we're inviting you to bare your skinny legs by busting out a skirt, kilt, man-skirt, g-string, banana hammock...well, you get the picture!

The Skinny: the skinny legs edition

DJ Line Up
2 Rooms: Electro & Breaks :: Funky Deep House

Curtis B
(Denver, CO, Drop The World/Zone/Illeven:Eleven)

DJ Wolfie
(Steampunk Saloon)

Shakti Bliss
(Cruz Coalition)

(Project Alma)

Will Levine
(Cruz Coalition/Ninja Skillz)

Scotty James
(Hush Crew)

Visuals by: Disco Stu (Project Alma)

Theme: "Skinny Legs" - skirts, kilts, etc.
ChinoSound, bringin' the Thunder!
At the beautiful Medusa Lounge
Full bar.
Parking at the venue - $5

$8 discount presale - available very soon at
$12 at the door
21+ only!

Medusa Lounge
3211 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
View Map · Get Directions

Start: Jun 2 2012 11:59 pm

Tune in to 89.9 KXLU on Saturday night/Sunday morning this weekend from Midnight-2am Pacific time (UTC/GMT -7 hours). Listen in if you're in Los Angeles or if you are out of the area, you can tune in at