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Events | Ninja Skillz

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« Friday November 04, 2011 »
Start: Nov 4 2011 8:00 pm

LIKE US on our community page!

GRATEFUL FRIDAYS This Friday in "The Mystical Garden- Entrance"
*Enter through the back of Vanguard Only"

... 7:30- 2:00 PM CONSCIOUS CONVERGENCE, TRANSPARENCY & THE HARMONIC DANCE! Each step of the way we have the opportunity to give and receive. This week our focus is on flow and the harmonic dance when we meet each-other this Friday, come with the intention be present to the offerings that each person, place or thing is giving to you and give back to them as a replica of time and space re-presenting. MAKE IT YOUR INTENTION TO GIVE AND RECEIVE.

Click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEd6N05QNUxZN0NZYnB...

Garden features musical gifts:

★ Live performance 10:30pm
Brad Standley & The Foxflies http://bradstandley.com/

★ DJ sets {outside at the Buddha Lounge Area}
11:30pm Miss Genesis http://soundcloud.com/djgenesis
12:30am Mark Zabala http://www.markzabala.com/

★ Indoor Acts tba

~~~~~~~~~~~ SCHEDULE OF ABUNDANCE (outdoors) ~~~~~~~~~~

Please come early for desired programming, we are committed to being on time.

Face and Body Painting
by Macie Sue, Siri Khalsa and Natalia Iswara

8:00PM DOORS: Come early for HAPPINESS Hour 8:00- 11:11PM

Conscious Convergence Leadership Meeting.......
Leaders, Visionaries, Shifters, and Lifters all come together every Friday to Share their dreams, projects, skills, and needs so that efforts that were once separate and powered individually may collaborate and power each other.

Step-up and into your POWER so that YOUR COMMUNITY will continue to grow in to the hearts of the world. Be a part of Grateful Fridays Leadership activating our mission to *seed light* in and around the WORLD by activating your creative energy.

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