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Events | Ninja Skillz

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« Saturday September 24, 2011 »
Start: Sep 24 2011 9:00 pm

Tech-Funk + Breaks + Electro + Techno + PsyBreaks

Flux is a state of continual change, a fluid flow from one state to another. In that moment of transition, no longer what we were and not yet what we are becoming, possibilities are limitless.

In flux or out of it, we welcome you to join us for a night of music, dance, performance, and community.

DJ LINEUP (bios and links at the end)

HEDFLUX (Broken Robot Recordings / London, UK)

Hedflux and his pioneering psychedelic tech-funk sound delivers distinctive tough beats, molten basslines and an evolving stratum of resonant synth sorcery.

Idiot Savant ( Pocket Underground / The Do Lab - Woogie / LA )
Red Alien - Red Sonya ( Native Alien, Pocket, Lady Lush / LA ) vs. Alien Tom ( Native Alien, Stanton DJ LA )
divaDanielle ( Shade / LA ) vs 6ix Seven ( The Good Vibe / LA )
Mark Zabala vs. Sendai ( NinjaSkillz / LA )
darkMatter ( LA )
Skandar ( 8:39 Productions / San Diego )
Miss Genesis ( Simplify Recordings/ Blue Insomniac / LA )
Azmyth ( Electrifying Events / LA )
Todd Spero ( NinjaSkillz / LA )
Will Levine ( Cruz Coalition / LA )

Circus Arts by Fire n Ice Entertainment

██ INFO ██▓▓▒▒░░

Located at Circus
6655 Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90038

$20 at the door
$15 Presales

Get Your Presales Here -> http://beticketing.com/flux

21+ ◆ 9:00pm - 4am
Carpooling HIGHLY Suggested.


██ LINEUP (with links to bios and dj sets!) ██▓▓▒▒░░

█ HEDFLUX (Broken Robot Recordings / UK)

█ Idiot Savant ( Pocket Underground / The Do Lab - Woogie / LA )

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