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EM's Cafe Grand Opening w/ HYJYNX + ZABALA | Ninja Skillz

EM's Cafe Grand Opening w/ HYJYNX + ZABALA

Jul 1 2011 9:00 pm
Jul 2 2011 6:00 am


July 1st, July 2nd, July 3rd

Come Join Us for This Bangtastic

Live Music, Bands, DJ's, Fashion Show, Burlesque, Live Art Painting, Live Graffiti, Live Body Painting, Airbrushing
Fire Dancers, Circus Performers, Comedians, Great Food

FRIDAY July 1 2011 8 pm

Sean Paul Cruz 8 pm- 930 pm
Toledo Burlesque Show 930 pm - 12 am

DRAMA FREE ARTISTRY ... DJ's 12 am - 6 am
Eden Muse
Ed Da Head
Mark Zabala

SATURDAY July 2nd 8 am

Fashion Show by: Catherine Asanov .

Live Music Starts 10 am-12 am
Bands Include:
Lips, Nektare, Anthony Aqaurius, Ship Of the Rising Sun ,
Space Gypsies (Gregory Keim, Evolve), Rod Zelli,E.O.A.,Anthony Aquarius, Beatle Mania
More TBA !!!

THE CRUZ COALITON ... DJ's 12 am - 6 am
Shakti Bliss
Eden Muse
Electric Dandelion

SUNDAY July 3rd

Open Mic 10 am till close

Select Photography Art Exhibit
feat: Keith Vogt, Michael Vintege, Henning, Chazz Gold, Karl Clinger, Catherine Asanov

Em's Artist's Cafe
2926 LaCienga Blvd
Culver City, CA

0 June 24, 2011

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