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Conflux Festival | Ninja Skillz

Conflux Festival

Jul 13 2012 12:00 pm
Jul 15 2012 6:00 pm

Project Alma & Pandora MobileArtVenue present:
Celebrating a New Paradigm for Community and Family


You walk amidst the frenzied minds of the mundane world everyday, wishing you could break free from the confines of a fearful, traditional society, and re-write the rules. You exude love and redefine friendship everyday with the bonds you make in your alter-community, your chosen family. Among this default world, you search for other denizens of this emergent conscious society you belong to, and find opportunities to gather with them to celebrate the uniqueness of every one of us and to abandon yourselves in blissful dance and personal expression. You...are Conflux.

The Conflux festival is an exercise in community building, an exploration of the meaning of family in the modern day, and a celebration of the creativity found in every one of us. Conflux is a temporary community with renewed principles based on respect, inclusion and freedom of expression. Through various workshops, interactive arts activities, spontaneous celebration, dance and by putting our philosophy into action, we will explore a new paradigm for community and family.

Conflux is part of an emergent school of thought, which espouses such principles as: radical inclusion, radical self reliance and self expression, decomodification, communal effort, civic responsibility, participation, immediacy, gifting, leave no trace, green living, and community education. Join us for a weekend of transformational community building, in a grande celebration of beauty and of life itself. The event will benefit the non-profit LA League of Arts.

Workshops by:
Doug Campbell (Co-founder, Mindshare)
Tangee Veloso-Pueblos (Founder, Family Love Village)
Jeremy Weinglass (Founder, Men's League Los Angeles)
Eva Lea (Family Love Village/Project Alma)
Crystal D'Angora (The Yogi Tree/FLV)
more TBA...

Musical Guests:
Tek Freaks (SF, Opulent Temple)
Jonny Quest (SD, Charmed Life Entertainment)
Oscure (LA Breakbeat Association)
Auditory Canvas (SF, Summer Rain Recordings)
Nick the Neck (Pocket Underground)
Lantz Lazwell & the Vibe Tribe (live)
FatFinger (Project Alma)
Loomer (Cruz Coalition)
Brute Squad (Ninja Skillz)
Jacques the Ripper (Kundalini Lounge)
Joplin (Pocket Underground)
Hooni (Project Alma/Transmorphagon)
Simply Asparagus (live)
Robato Kun (PDX, Transmorphagon)
more TBA...

Art Curation by:
Andie VillafaƱe

Artists include:
Luis Sanchez
Ahbi Thati
Debi Cable
Kelly Matten
John Coy
Radhika Hersey
Andie VillafaƱe
Laura Diamond
Matt Elson
more TBA...

Arts Creation Station hosted by:
Barak & Jag Humphrey (Pandora MobileArtVenue)
Sonia Wike (Family Love Village)

Lighting Design by:
Christian Colquhoun

Decor and installations by:
Pandora MobileArtVenue

Graphic Art Design by:
Yehonatan "Wheels" Koenig

Sound by:
ChinoSound - "Bringin' the Thunder with R.O.D. 4.0"

The famous Pandora MobileArtVenue trailer
Two night camping event with wooded, flat, grassy campground
Family friendly festival, with family camp area
Daycare available based on demand. RSVP to: info@projectalma.org
Shaded stage areas with cool mist locations
Scenic mountain setting
Leave no Trace event

Tickets available at http://beticketing.com/conflux
Tickets will be available this Wednesday, June 13th at 7pm.

First Tier Early Bird - $75
Second Tier Presale- $100
Third Tier presale/door - $125
Children between ages of 13-18 -$50
Children 12 and under- FREE!!!!
We will also have a very limited number of car camping passes available.

Go to www.confluxla.com to see expanded info!!!

Interested in Volunteering at CONFLUX? we are in need of motivated dedicated people who are willing to help us work Gate, Commissary, Setup, Break Down, Stage, etc. please join the CONFLUX volunteer FB group at:

0 June 14, 2012

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