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Events | Ninja Skillz
Monday July 23, 2018
Start: Jul 23 2018 9:00 pm

On Tuesday, July 3rd, the unicorns will be invading Los Angeles once again to get our IndepenDANCE on. SAVE THE DATE! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Whatever you need to do to. Just get ready for the epicness! You ain't gotta work on Wednesday, so let's spend the holiday hoof-stompin the night away!

Pre-sales! Only $10 **SPARKLE**
$20 at the door!

Disco Room
9-10:30pm Cody Lee
10:30-midnight divaDanielle feat Annie Dolly, Samuel Shunate on live percussion
12-1:30 Lonely Boy Live Set
1:30-3 Fleetwood Smack

The Loft
10-11 Loomer
11-12 Erik Nelson
12-1 Sprankles
1-2 Abi Getto
2-3 Todd Spero

*Parking is limited around using. Consider using a Rideshare app

General info on vibe of this party!
Creating a safe and welcome space for all attendees is incredibly important at any event we do as Unicorns. We’re working with the Union staff, management, and security to insure that all of our Unicorn partygoers' safety is central to our event. No racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia or harassment of any kind will be tolerated.

Make sure to practice consent. Do not touch anyone without their permission and do not take photos of people without their permission. What is most important to us is that this space is a celebration of our beautifully diverse community in LA.

If you experience harassment of any kind at the event, do not hesitate to reach out to Union security, staff or organizers of the event and we will do our best to resolve immediately.

Working together to keep an eye on each other and the space will help this night feel supportive and comfortable for a wide range of identities.

#unicorningsohard #oneofus #inunicornswetrust #everyonesinvited #housemusicallnightlong #music4unicorns

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