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Events | Ninja Skillz
Saturday January 30, 2016
Start: Jan 30 2016 10:00 pm

Odd is the new red!!!! Join us in christening the latest multi-purpose space created by Paynie and friends! Don't call it the Red Loft, it is something entirely new with shades of what Red Loft used to be!

The Cruz Coalition is happy to help get this space going and have you come experience what is possible there! This truly is a community space for YOU! With our help...with your help we can keep this space ODD!

Tonight we also celebrate the Birthday of Mark Zabala! Mark is literally one of the kindest people you will ever meet and has been a supporter of this community for longer than most of us have been a part of it! He is a Cruz Coalition family member and part of the LEGENDARY crew known as Ninja Skillz!

Keeping the Odd beats for you will be:

Mark Zabala (The Cruz Coalition/Ninja Skillz)
Mia Dangerfield (The Cruz Coalition)
Loomer (The Cruz Coalition/NuTz Camp)
Saynt (Ninja Skillz)

There is no place to smoke cigarettes at Oddville. No, you can't walk outside and smoke, because it makes a mess and attracts too much attention. That's just how it is. If you can't refrain from cigarettes for a few hours, please don't come.

Get your $10.00 ticket now!

Like the pages:


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