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Events | Ninja Skillz

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Thursday September 18, 2014
Start: Sep 18 2014 12:00 am

Hey Ninjas (and pirates, gypsies, clowns, and other freaky folk out there). It's been awhile! I took a trip down to Spain and Portugal this summer and have come back reinvigorated and re-inspired. Both Ibiza and the Boom Festival were awesome, and its great to see how people across the pond do things.

So, I am totally stoked to play in San Diego again after a bit of a hiatus! Seria Star is always a fun night full of belly dance and awesome beats, so come on out, dust yourself off and bring your friends!

-Mark Zabala

As we wave goodbye to the beautiful summer and welcome back travelers and their tales of amazing adventures, Seria Star is bringing in some stellar talent to amplify the night!! New talent is going to be seen early in the night as we have some musical masters showcasing different style, as well as beautiful dancers bringing new fusion. Mark Zabala, Adia Break and Shakti Bliss create a lineup that will help you own the groove... and groove matters.

Heather Herriman
Deana Freeman
Akil Hooper
Cathie Lucas
Tracy Storme

DJ Lineup:
Mark Zabala
Adia Break
Shakti Bliss

Homemade crafts and feather jewelry by Friendly Feathers

Thanks to Josie Lynn for the beautiful flyer art/ digital design.

Doors at 9:00
Dance/ Music Performance at 9:30
$5 before 9:30, $10 after

* Celebrate Life*

The Kava Lounge
2812 Kettner Blvd, San Diego, California 9210

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