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Events | Ninja Skillz
« Week of October 21, 2012 »
Start: Oct 27 2012 8:00 pm

Welcome to the Dustination 4th annual Halloween Festival!

Here's your portal to purchase tickets.
password: "getdusty"
** Private event -- Location to be revealed **

This year we have summoned mighty forces to open a portal into the Underworld--a dark, sexy world of mysterious beings, beautiful beasts, devils and angles.

We will guide you through these netherlands and entertain you with two areas of sound featuring live performances and a host of spirited DJ's.

13 musical time slots featuring:

-◦• Live Performances by Ghostlight Gypsies (Burning Opera)

-◦• Afroux A'Mundaca

-◦• Diva Danielle (Shade)

-◦• FatFinger (Project Alma)

-◦• Hooni (Transmorphagon/Project Alma)

-◦• Jacques the Ripper (Kundalini Lounge)

-◦• Janneke (Steampunk Saloon)

-◦• Loomer (Cruz Coalition/D1sor1ent)

-◦• Marcus Edwards (Ninja Skillz)

-◦• Mark Zabala (Ninja Skillz)

-◦• ToMaSu (Transmorphagon)

-◦• The Fuzz (Camp Charley / 00 Bliss)

-◦• Will Levine (Cruz Coalition, Ninja Skillz)

Other Arts:

-◦• Auditory manipulation by Kenji (L-n-H)

-◦• Portrait photography by Turo

-◦• Live blacksmithing by Christian the Blacksmith

If you want to receive an invitation to future events join our group page. Once you are a member of our group you will be the first in line for info and tickets to all our future events! https://www.facebook.com/groups/dustination/


Start: Oct 27 2012 10:00 pm

BurnLA Presents: The Tower of Terror
Private Event.... RSVP ONLY
Sat. Oct 27th 10PM - 6AM 21+

Come see what awaits you this Halloween weekend with "The Tower of Terror", filled with all your most dreaded characters! A Burner-style all night freakout that goes til dawn on the Westside!

Hyjynx (Ninja Skillz)
feat. GoGo HoopDance Star Madison Orange

Josh Chambers

Eva (Cruz Coalition)

Gina (Good Vibe)

BK Willy (TBTN)

Winnebago (TBTN, The Good Vibe)

Mike Leon (BurnLA)


~GoGo HoopDance~
~Fire Spinning~

LIVE ART: Christoper Martin


PRE-SALE - $20

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