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Events | Ninja Skillz
« Week of July 1, 2012 »
Start: Jun 30 2012 9:00 pm
End: Jul 1 2012 4:00 am

$20 PRE-SALE ENDS SOON. $30 at the door. Tickets are available at http://lorddangersharem-eorgf.eventbrite.com/

The Mystikal Misfits cordially invite you to our secret sultan's palace for an evening of forbidden delights, featuring the snake-charming beats of...

--DJ Wolfie (Steampunk Saloon)
--divaDanielle (Shade/Camp Charlie)
--Mark Zabala (Ninja Skillz)
--Squachek (Mystikal Misfits)
--Orence (Alien Underground/Art Car Bus Stop)
--Diggs (Steampunk Saloon)
--Loomer (Cruz Coalition/Disorient)

For your hedonistic pleasure, we will be providing...

--A sultry gypsy burlesque performance
--Lissome aerial performers and contortionists
--Live clothing-averse figure drawing
--A decadent hookah lounge
--Audio by ChinoSound
--Visuals by Yayfuzzy Koliedeescope
--Giant Jenga
--Face painting
--Photo booth
--Full bar
--A raffle with a tantalizing grand prize: A TICKET TO BURNING MAN.

9 PM - 4 AM. 21+ ONLY.

$20 pre-sale/$30 at the door. Tickets are available at http://lorddangersharem-eorgf.eventbrite.com/

100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Mystikal Misfits Burning Man camp, to help realize the vision of dearly departed John Pedone (aka Lord Danger.)

To contribute directly to Pedone's memorial fund, go to http://www.thedangerfund.myevent.com/3/donate.htm

Start: Jul 6 2012 4:00 pm

Native Alien is hosting the 2nd Annual Summertime-Pool-Party-Camping-Fiesta at the Rancho Agua Caliente Resort. This year’s event is called: Contact!

Enjoy camping amongst the oak trees with your friends on a private 800 acre eco-resort. Relax in the 108 degree hot springs tub and roman baths and splash in the cool Olympic size swimming pool. Listen to music played by your favorite DJs, and dance poolside under the sun and stars. Join us for an adventure!

Music Selectors for the weekend will be:
(in alphabetical order)

aDJnamedCK (The Gold Line – LA)
Alien Tom (Native Alien, Stanton, Eurobar – LA)
Alonso Morales (Eurobar – ENS)
Andrea Grace (LA/BA)
Atari Roots (Be Happy - MXLI)
Ben Annand (Tropical, Moontribe – LA)
Blackass Ringleader (Spacedown – LA/SD)
Devochka (Be Happy, Eurobar – SD)
Joe Rodriguez (Slobb Disko, Eurobar – LA)
Jokton Strealy (Pocket Underground – LA)
Jon Doss (Bramble Republic- SD)
Lee Reynolds (Moonshake, Spacedown – SD)
Mark Zabala (Ninja Skillz – LA)
Mikey Lion (Jungle – SD)
Minoru Hirata (Eurobar, Stripped Recordings – ENS)
Missy B (OC/SD)
Mr. Tarin (Eurobar – TJ)
Nonfiction (Focus – OC)
Red Sonya (Native Alien, Pocket Underground, Eurobar – LA)
Sendai (Beyond Basecamp – LA)
Skandar (8:39 Productions, Omega Squad – SD)
Shot Colin (aka Kinda Sorta – LA)
The Messenger (Broken Beat, Bat Country, Hype – SD)
Ubiquitous (S.H.A.F.T., MiscreAnts – SD)

We are celebrating several DJs’ birthdays this weekend, and the music will flow accordingly. Early friday evening, we kick off the weekend w/ Skandar’s birthday. Saturday night, Sendai is the birthday man of the hour, and Sunday Alien Tom and aDJnamedCK get in on the birthday fun. This diverse lineup will keep you grooving all weekend long!

For information about the DJs:

For more event information and to purchase tickets:

Start: Jul 6 2012 4:00 pm
End: Jul 7 2012 8:00 pm

Native Alien is hosting the 2nd Annual Summertime-Pool-Party-Camping-Fiesta at the Rancho Agua Caliente Resort. This year’s event is called: Contact!

Enjoy camping amongst the oak trees with your friends on a private 800 acre eco-resort. Relax in the 108 degree hot springs tub and roman baths and splash in the cool Olympic size swimming pool. Listen to music played by your favorite DJs, and dance poolside under the sun and stars. Join us for an adventure!

Music Selectors for the weekend will be:
(in alphabetical order)

aDJnamedCK (The Gold Line – LA)
Alien Tom (Native Alien, Stanton, Eurobar – LA)
Alonso Morales (Eurobar – ENS)
Andrea Grace (LA/BA)
Atari Roots (Be Happy - MXLI)
Ben Annand (Tropical, Moontribe – LA)
Blackass Ringleader (Spacedown – LA/SD)
Devochka (Be Happy, Eurobar – SD)
Joe Rodriguez (Slobb Disko, Eurobar – LA)
Jokton Strealy (Pocket Underground – LA)
Jon Doss (Bramble Republic- SD)
Lee Reynolds (Moonshake, Spacedown – SD)
Mark Zabala (Ninja Skillz – LA)
Mikey Lion (Jungle – SD)
Minoru Hirata (Eurobar, Stripped Recordings – ENS)
Missy B (OC/SD)
Mr. Tarin (Eurobar – TJ)
Nonfiction (Focus – OC)
Red Sonya (Native Alien, Pocket Underground, Eurobar – LA)
Sendai (Beyond Basecamp – LA)
Skandar (8:39 Productions, Omega Squad – SD)
Shot Colin (aka Kinda Sorta – LA)
The Messenger (Broken Beat, Bat Country, Hype – SD)
Ubiquitous (S.H.A.F.T., MiscreAnts – SD)

We are celebrating several DJs’ birthdays this weekend, and the music will flow accordingly. Early friday evening, we kick off the weekend w/ Skandar’s birthday. Saturday night, Sendai is the birthday man of the hour, and Sunday Alien Tom and aDJnamedCK get in on the birthday fun. This diverse lineup will keep you grooving all weekend long!

For information about the DJs:

For more event information and to purchase tickets:

Start: Jul 7 2012 7:55 pm

Once again the Cruz Coalition & The Good Vibe team up to bring you BOOM!

BOOM is a night that smashes the boundaries between music, art & performance bring you some of LA's finest live painters, DJ'S, Artisans, performance artist & fire spinners.. All creating together to bring you a next level event designed to inspire the artist in you!


Marcus edward
Mike Insane
Lou E. Bagels
The Fuzz

MORE INFO TBA.... Stay tuned!

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