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---|---|---| IgNight is a 3 day fire flow celebration in Southern California, designed to provide a fun, educational and community environment for spinners from all over the world. At least 7 classes going on simultaneously at all times of the day and an awesome DJ line up for a nightly open spin jam. Fire enthusiasts of all skill levels are invited to attend in this communal opportunity for growth and development as a fire artist. Hundreds of artists will gather to learn, teach, and advance together in the flow arts. Astronomy exhibits, Green Technology and a Wellness Center will create an environment where access to mind expanding knowledge will help keep you in the flow... Flow |flō| noun [in sing. ] Flow is the state of optimal experience that occurs when your body, mind, and spirit are in dynamic balance. It's what's happening when the Now is so compelling that everything else fades away. Ego and fear dissolve in the perfect moment, time slows down, and whatever you're doing becomes a meditation. Flow toes the fine line between controlling your actions and obeying your commands. You know when you're in the flow, and flowing is half the battle. Where will and physics intersect, we hone our own flow. IgNight is a participatory event that aims to draw the essence of community in everyone. Everyone volunteers a couple of hours to transform this event into a collaborative experience. Oftentimes, volunteering is the best way to meet and make epic friends. And it guarantees that YOU will share in the pleasure of making this event special. Prepare to shine brightly! Teachers: |