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Saynt's Spaceship Roller-Disco-01 - by Saynt

A trippy journey to the planet of Afros and Aliens...

48:33 minutes (8 MB)
177 June 23, 2006

Afros and Hippie Soup - by Saynt

So... I recall shortly after Fuente Eterno, that I was surfing around the web... you know... checking out other DJs websites and stuff. I noticed that our boy down south, 20Meat, a kick ass DJ, and one of the organizers of the Elysium Festival had done a mix inspired by his experience with us at Fuente.

So, I thought it would be a super cool idea to do a mix of my experience at HIS event. So here it is... something born of the pool and destined for it again. From me to all of you. Hope it inspires visions of all your friends beating the heat in the water where they are half naked and fully drunk! Read more »

59:32 minutes (8 MB)
170 July 25, 2006


What can I say? This is my version of the EPIC pool party at Fuente Eterno '07

51:09 minutes (8 MB)
155 March 21, 2007

House Music for Really Hot Chicks

Enjoy this. It is reflective of the deeper sound I've been digging lately.

And chicks dig it.

And cuz I can.

Uncle Saynt loves ya!

50:45 minutes (8 MB)
247 January 29, 2008