Ninja Pendants Day - Some Ninja History...
During the American Revolutionary war, our founding fathers wore special pendants given to them by 32nd degree Freemasons in order to defeat the British. As we all know, all 32nd degree freemasons are low-level ninjas in training.
These star-shaped pendants were worn around the neck of a soldier during battle. It often took an uncomfortably long time to reload a rifle after a shot was fired since these were the days before automatic weapons and revlovers. So as added weapon, an American Revolutionary would fling these pendants through the air at high speeds until it would effectively disable their enemies who came on very large boats.
To this day, we represent the freedom of each colony (now states) by representing each one of them on our flag with a symbol of a ninja pendant (also known as a five-point shuriken in keeping with the law of fives).
So, in order to celebrate the Ninja Pendants that won the war that gave America its freedom and independence, we bring you the
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