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Saturday December 15, 2007
Start: Dec 15 2007 10:00 pm

The following transmission was intercepted by the Ninja High Council earlier today. It is beleived that the source of the transmission is a group of transdimensional deviants known commonly as HIPGENESIS. The information was decoded and beleived to be aimed at the Los Angeles Underground and otherworldly parts unknown. While the Ninja High Council sternly disappoves of the liberal use of the term " Pirate " in regular HIPGENESIS communications, it none-the-less suspects the following information will be of inestimable value to some and have deemed it: Asshakery Approved.

Although Ninjas are not involved musically, we will undoubtably be in attendance... although attempting to find us can prove to be an excercise in futility.

Wednesday December 19, 2007
Start: Dec 19 2007 9:00 pm

Listen here kids, yer carnie uncle Saynt is joining up with our palz, The Gumbo Brothers for another session of Holiday Madness on Wednesday, December 19th. We're gonna be getting you nice and liquored up all funky / loungey style to get you right for the hours of listening to Aunt Bea drone on about her bunyons.

You may recall the Haloween Party that we did together and what a gas that was.

We know its a school night, but you need to start putting some steel in that backbone if you're going to survive the insanity we have planned for NYE.... Be sure to come through. Have some drinks. Shake some booty. Make out.

Saturday January 05, 2008
Start: Jan 5 2008 10:00 pm

DJs For Lynnsane

Lynnsane is a dear friend.

Many a night while I was living in Long Beach, we'd hang out at the local spots or she'd come by my place or Rhines' and hang with us there while we just played music. Her love and energy is infectious as anyone who knows her can attest. I've always thought that the woman was unstoppable, and now it appears I was right. I am more grateful than words can express that she is on the road to recovery and that she has had the support of our family. Seeing the way everyone pulled together on New Years and since has filled me with a renewed sense of pride in all of us and filled me with a sense of awe and Lynn's superhuman resiliency. She's home now and under the watchful eye of friends and family alike, ALL of whom have been absolute rockstars in dealing with this sad and sudden event.