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Events | Ninja Skillz

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« Week of August 26, 2012 »
Start: Aug 25 2012 9:00 pm
End: Aug 26 2012 2:00 am

Ninja Skillz is excited to bring another installment of Ninja Skillz Presents with our unique brand of ass shaking beats to the Whale's Vagina and the fine folks at the Kava Lounge.

So come join us for fun filled night of shenanigans and don't forget to roll with your entourage.

Your dashing DJs for the evening are:

J. Cush

As a purveyor of fine rhythms, grimy bass-lines and chunky melodies, J.Cush uses speakers the way a surgeon uses a scalpel, a mechanic uses a quart of 40 weight or Ron Jeremy uses an under aged cheerleader. Having most recently opened for Claude VonStroke at Lightning in a Bottle, J.Cush has played festivals, clubs and underground parties all over the West coast. Hailing from New York, this master of tech has been vibrating dance floors for over ten years, and just keeps getting better . . . like a ripe cheese.



Obsessed with music as a child, Skandar garnered early musical influences from his worldly travels, spending time in Africa, South America, and Europe. Developing an eclectic palate seasoned with everything from Ladysmith Black Mombazo to Bruce Springsteen to Notorious B.I.G. he eventually returned to the U.S. where he found his musical imagination stifled. With an insatiable hunger for new and different sounds, he began sneaking out on week nights in high school to frequent clubs all over Washington, D.C. Finally in 2003 Skandar was able to realize his true calling – not simply as a music listener, but as a purveyor of sound.


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