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mayhem and greatness

Alma Paradicio is going to kick ass! If you haven't gotten your tix yet, get them asap!

Spundae was amazing! thank you to everyone who came out! I would hope that you got on the mailing list and onto the ninja site so that the next invasion of ninjas thaqt happens you will be informed of. We had a list of about 250 names with an untold number of pluses to them so there are a lot of you out there that are supporting us and we truly appreciate. Also, I received word from an associate of the ninja counsil that they are pleased and will be rewarding the faithful. That said, again thanks and if you missed it you missed something magical. It's not often that the upstairs is packed when the house room is empty at Spundae.

I want to take a special moment to thank Jesse Wright and the rest of our Pocket brothers.

21 May 31, 2006