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Events | Ninja Skillz

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« Week of December 4, 2011 »
Start: Dec 9 2011 9:00 pm

We're really excited to be bringing Lee Coombs in for the next Big Bass. Along with some of our very favorite local DJs and a brand new live act that we're super stoked on!

A limited number of discounted pre-sales are available here: http://bigbass.eventbrite.com/

Lee Coombs -

Bending boundaries and ignoring the status quo – where would the electronic music scene be today without Lee Coombs? For over a decade this British producer has been at the forefront of it all; releasing groundbreaking mix CDs, remixing the world’s most acclaimed artists and knocking out dancefloor destroying productions that are considered classics years after their release.

In a world that’s so often governed by trends and fads, Coombs’ unwavering ability to simultaneously destroy dancefloors and push musical boundaries over 20 years since he first touched a pair of turntables is a remarkable achievement in itself. There’s little doubt that his impressive sonic skills will be rocking ears for many years to come.

J*Labs -

*Labs’ propensity to “get bored easily” means that she’s constantly digging around looking for new tracks. She’s quickly made her mark on the electronic music scene in LA and has been venturing further and further away from home as under-shaken booties everywhere in need of liberation beckon her forth. No two sets are the same and you never know what might happen. One thing that you can definitely count on is that the room is gonna be moving! She’s also a member of Black 22s, a dynamic new tag team project consisting of herself and Lou E. Bagels.

Mark Zabala

Start: Dec 9 2011 9:00 pm
End: Dec 10 2011 4:00 am

We're really excited to be bringing Lee Coombs in for the next Big Bass. Along with some of our very favorite local DJs and a brand new live act that we're super stoked on!

A limited number of discounted pre-sales are available here: http://bigbass.eventbrite.com/

Lee Coombs -

Bending boundaries and ignoring the status quo – where would the electronic music scene be today without Lee Coombs? For over a decade this British producer has been at the forefront of it all; releasing groundbreaking mix CDs, remixing the world’s most acclaimed artists and knocking out dancefloor destroying productions that are considered classics years after their release.

In a world that’s so often governed by trends and fads, Coombs’ unwavering ability to simultaneously destroy dancefloors and push musical boundaries over 20 years since he first touched a pair of turntables is a remarkable achievement in itself. There’s little doubt that his impressive sonic skills will be rocking ears for many years to come.

J*Labs -

*Labs’ propensity to “get bored easily” means that she’s constantly digging around looking for new tracks. She’s quickly made her mark on the electronic music scene in LA and has been venturing further and further away from home as under-shaken booties everywhere in need of liberation beckon her forth. No two sets are the same and you never know what might happen. One thing that you can definitely count on is that the room is gonna be moving! She’s also a member of Black 22s, a dynamic new tag team project consisting of herself and Lou E. Bagels.

Mark Zabala

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