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Saturday September 22, 2007
Start: Sep 22 2007 10:00 pm

Wanderland Returns | Sat Sept 22nd
WANDERLAND 2: The Desert Calls

A night of amazing music, beautiful skies, friendly vibes, surrounded by friends and family. Close out the summer season in the warm embrace of people who love you.

Rejoin, rekindle, receive.

Saturday, September 22nd
Somewhere out there. Not too far, but far enough.

Brought to you by:
Alien Underground
Audio Response Team

Saynt (Ninjaskillz)
Mark Zabala (Ninjaskillz)
Russell Vare (Knobturnal)
Tom Allain
Myke (RLD)
Shadow Porn Theater (Evans+Bombay)
Thom Lann (dawn set)

Sunday September 23, 2007
Start: Sep 22 2007 10:00 pm
End: Sep 23 2007 10:00 pm

Wanderland Returns | Sat Sept 22nd
WANDERLAND 2: The Desert Calls

A night of amazing music, beautiful skies, friendly vibes, surrounded by friends and family. Close out the summer season in the warm embrace of people who love you.

Rejoin, rekindle, receive.

Saturday, September 22nd
Somewhere out there. Not too far, but far enough.

Brought to you by:
Alien Underground
Audio Response Team

Saynt (Ninjaskillz)
Mark Zabala (Ninjaskillz)
Russell Vare (Knobturnal)
Tom Allain
Myke (RLD)
Shadow Porn Theater (Evans+Bombay)
Thom Lann (dawn set)

Friday October 05, 2007
Start: Oct 5 2007 9:00 pm

As the air chills from the scorching summer. The wind begins to drift through the city. Darkness covers the land sooner. Those that dwell in the shadows get giddy. Leaves turn gold and brown and fall to the ground.

Strange voices carry on the breeze an earie sound. Far off over the hill, past the children preparing thier costume candy haul, they say stands a creaking old temple with a strange saying, written on the wall.

"All ye who dare to dwell within, be warned in advance. If your soul is something you aim to keep you must do the devils' dance."

Yer palz at Ninja Skillz Present:

Start: Oct 5 2007 9:00 pm

Saturday October 06, 2007
Start: Oct 5 2007 9:00 pm
End: Oct 6 2007 2:00 am

As the air chills from the scorching summer. The wind begins to drift through the city. Darkness covers the land sooner. Those that dwell in the shadows get giddy. Leaves turn gold and brown and fall to the ground.

Strange voices carry on the breeze an earie sound. Far off over the hill, past the children preparing thier costume candy haul, they say stands a creaking old temple with a strange saying, written on the wall.

"All ye who dare to dwell within, be warned in advance. If your soul is something you aim to keep you must do the devils' dance."

Yer palz at Ninja Skillz Present:

Start: Oct 5 2007 9:00 pm
End: Oct 6 2007 2:00 am